event - Beach Training Monday 2nd December,2019

First - Biggest - Best
Newcastle - Hunter Valley - Port Stephens - New England
Join our martial art club and be healthy.
World Master Chong Chul Rhee founded Rhee Taekwondo Australia in the late 196O’s with the assistance of Master Chong Hyup Rhee, Master Chong Yoon Rhee. The RHEE TKD School has been run continuously under Master Rhee in Australia since the late 1960’s (40 years). As a result of World Master Chong Chul Rhee’s efforts and unwavering dedication to the students of RHEE Tae Kwon Do the school has grown over those years to become Australia’s largest martial arts school.
World Master Chong Chul Rhee has taught the original Tae Kwon Do style as he learnt as a young man in his native Korea and taught as a South Korean Marine to the military - fast, powerful, effective self-defence. This dedication to the original way has significantly contributed to the wide spread popularity and strength of the Rhee Tae Kwon Do school in Australia and New Zealand.
World Master Chong Chul Rhee visits Rhee TKD regions (geographical dojang groups) to conduct grading exams quarterly. This way Master Rhee keeps kup/grade/belt standards high. Students are aware of what is expected by their Sabum (teacher) and they practice to meet those standards, those students that have not reached expected Rhee Tae kwon Do kup/grade standards are not promoted in rank and advised positively on what they must practice on for next grading assessment in 3 months.
The Rhee Tae Kwon Do school runs by martial etiquette, RHEE TKD Dojangs have order and respect so all students (from 5 years of age to 65 years of age) may learn with confidence in a positive and safe environment. Rhee Tae Kwon Do is a martial arts organisation and not a social club, our focus is for students to practice the martial art correctly to learn effective self-defence, grow strong both mentally and physically while learning the martial way under the supervision of their Sabum (teacher) and Master Rhee. These critical factors will ensure Rhee Tae Kwon Do’s ongoing success and stability for all members into the next century
Fun, Fitness, Challenge